The Live Lightly Centre
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Live Lightly Now eBook

Live Lightly Now!

Published: Jun 14th, 2022 4:10 PM

Have you ever wondered where to start making healthy changes in your life, but it all became too overwhelming?

Let me help you by consolidating 25 years of personal and formal research into a lighthearted, easy-to-read eBook that will allow you to make immediate changes quickly and painlessly.

In this eBook you will learn the following:

  1. Introduction - Who am I to be telling you all this stuff?
  2. Getting Started - How to use this book
  3. Kitchen Tips and Tricks from a Suburban Housewife - Easy ideas for the “heart” of your home
  4. De-Toxify your Home - Using “chemical free” or low toxin substitutes
  5. De-Toxify your Body - Don’t listen to the food companies tell you what’s good for you
  6. De-Toxify your Soul - How to make “conscious living” part of your everyday life
  7. Change your Views on Diet and Exercise - How to get fitter and lose weight without realising it
  8. Happy and Healthy Kids - Some easy ways to keep your nippers fit and fantastic
  9. Making Money by Saving Money - Just because you are the “stay at home” partner doesn’t mean you aren’t contributing to the household finances, in a BIG way
  10. Saving Water, Saving Electricity - Some ideas big and small to help you conserve our vital resources
  11. Wise up to Supermarket Shenanigans - General rules when grocery shopping
  12. General Bits and Bobs - Some good stuff to help you organise your life
  13. My 10 tips for a healthy and happy life
  14. Conclusion - Some final words

At only $9.95 it really is the best way to shortcut your transition from overwhelmed and confused to confident and in control.

Review by Lara Rubina on
Absolutely invaluable information for those who don't know where to start making healthy changes, and excellent tips and tricks for those who have been doing it for years. Thank you for your wisdom.
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