The Live Lightly Centre
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Naturopath, Nutritional, Herbal & Complementary Health Services.

Hi, I'm Tracey Walker and I am a fully qualified naturopath and since starting I have attained a degree in life experience, particularly helping people with stubborn, often undiagnosed and chronic illnesses.

I often find that I am the "last resort" after people have exhausted all other avenues and not found answers, and I am totally okay with that!

Live Lightly Now Ebook

The Live Lightly Now eBook consolidates many practical ideas to help you detoxify your mind, body, and home; save money, water, electricity; change your views on diet and exercise and have happy healthy kids!

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Latest Content Additions

Gluten Free & Dairy Free Menu
Hello, These days it is very common for people to have food sensitivities and two of the most problematic tend to be gluten and dairy which is what prompted me to devise a colourful, tasty, interesting, and extremely nutritious food plan for those starting out on thei
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Chrissy Menu
Well hello and Merry Christmas!!! So many of my clients are struggling with removing gluten and dairy from their diets and Christmas has become a time of huge stress for them as a result of this, so we put our thinking caps on and came up with this BEAUTIFUL menu!&N
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Live Lightly Now eBook
Have you ever wondered where to start making healthy changes in your life, but it all became too overwhelming? Let me help you by consolidating 25 years of personal and formal research into a lighthearted, easy-to-read eBook that will allow you to make immediate ch
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3 Things
Three things happened to me this week, so I thought I’d do a post to cover them all, coz they’re all related. (Sorry it’s a long one, even for my standards!) One, I got a compliment on my skin. Nice. Secon
Hi, I'm Tracey Walker and I am a fully qualified naturopath (Bachelor's Degree in Health Science) since starting I have attained a degree in life experience, particularly in helping people with stubborn, often undiagnosed and chronic illnesses.&N
Time Restricted Eating
I’m a huge fan of time-restricted eating and not because it’s the latest craze, but because it makes sense.For decades now we've been told to believe that having 3 meals and 2 snacks per day “boosts metabolism” but research is coming out &lpar
Infrared Sauna
The Infrared Sauna heats the body directly and absorbs deep below the skin producing gentle warming on the inside that stimulates the immune, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and helps to remove impurities and toxins from the cells. The radiant and naturally healing
Gift Vouchers
We have gift vouchers available to be used for: Naturopathic Consult Infrared Sauna Supplements & products

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